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GS1 Calibrated Conformance Standard Test Card for GS1-128 and other 10mil aperture Bar Code Verifiers


Save yourself from a customer complaint by testing the accuracy your bar code verifier using a GS1 Calibrated Conformance Standard Test card.  These test card/calibration plaques are NIST traceable and certified by the “Judge” bar code verifier.

SKU: GS1-128-Card.

Product Description

Save yourself from a customer complaint by testing the accuracy your bar code verifier using a GS1 Calibrated Conformance Standard Test card.  These test cards/calibration plaques are NIST traceable and certified by the “Judge” bar code verifier.

This plaque is designed for customers inspecting GS1-128 bar codes or bar codes that require a 10 mil aperture.

The “Judge” has graded each bar code on the test card and the inspection parameter results are printed on the card.  This allows for using your bar code verifier to grade and compare the results.  Auto ID Solutions recommends all parameters are within +/- 4% of the “Judge” values.  If your unit is outside of this range it is critical that you send in your unit for Calibration/Re-Certification services.  Mode information is available on our Services page.

The GS1 Calibrated Conformance Standard Test card is good for testing an unlimited number of bar code verifiers however it must be replaced if the plaque is physically damaged or every two years (whichever occurs first).

Note: All Test Cards are dated and perishable and are not returnable.

Additional information

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Calib. Plaque:
