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RJS Inspector 1000 L1000 SP1 Single Piece Linear Bar Code Verifier

NOTE: RJS has discontinued the L1000 SP1 verifier. We recommend the L1000 CR2 or the Inspector 5000 CR3

The simplest traditional verifier From RJS

RJS Laser Inspector 1000 with SP1 Scanner Bar Code Verifier is a single piece design (no cord attaching the scanner to the display). The Laser Inspector 1000 scanner is an extremely easy to use point-and-shoot verifier. It requires virtually no user training – basic scanning instructions are placed on the scanner. The L1000 analyzes the essential traditional verification parameters including average bar deviation, quiet zones, encodation check, mod check, and ratio where applicable. It also provides the ISO/ANSI method decodability calculation and percent of decode information.

SKU: RJS-L1000-SP.

Product Description

The simplest traditional verifier From RJS

A Laser Inspector 1000 scanner is an extremely easy to use point-and-shoot verifier. It requires virtually no user training – basic scanning instructions are placed on the scanner. The L1000 analyzes the essential traditional verification parameters including average bar deviation, quiet zones, encodation check, mod check, and ratio where applicable. It also provides the ISO/ANSI method decodability calculation and percent of decode information.


  • Point-and-Shoot scanning
  • Follows the ISO15416 and ANSI X3.182 Bar Code Inspection Method (Decodability only)
  • Auto-discriminates between all popular symbologies
  • Multiple scan averaging
  • Traditional analysis also provided
  • Battery charger and NiCad batteries included

Designed for maximum ease of use, even traditionally hard to verify bar codes such as high density codes with 5 mil (.13mm) X dimensions and codes on irregular, wet, shiny, laminated, or moving surfaces are accurately analyzed.

The L1000 supports all the popular linear bar code symbologies.

Additionally, the L1000 contains 20K bytes of non-volatile memory that can be allocated in 5K byte segments for store and print and/or database capabilities.

The store and print data is accessible through a serial communications port. The database feature allows a32-character alphanumeric liquid crystal display (LCD) to display a programmed, alphanumeric message directly related to the data in the bar code that is being analyzed.

NOTE: This model is only recommended for existing Laser Inspector 1000 applications or new applications involving Code 93 symbols. For all other new applications the Inspector D4000 with a Laser Gun option is recommended.

If needed, a detailed hard copy printout can be produced from the Laser Inspector 1000 using an optional direct thermal or thermal transfer printer.

If needed, inspection data can transferred to any Windows PC. Once transferred the inspection data can be saved or printed to any standard Window printer.

The Laser Inspector 1000 follows the International Organization for Standardization’s “Bar Code Print Quality Test Specification (ISO 15416), the American National Standard Institute’s “Guideline for Bar Code Quality’ (ANSI X3.182-1990), the Uniform Code Council (UCC), and the CEN specifications regarding the decodability calculation method. It does NOT meet the International Organization for Standardization’s “Bar Code Verifier Conformance Specification” (ISO 15426-1), since only one parameter is tested.

Additional information

Product Type:




Code Width:

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Code Height:

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Capt. Method:

Calib. Plaque:


Capture Area:


Report Types:



Bar Code Type:

Scanner Type:

Aperture Sizes:

Industry App:

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Battery Charger Style:

110VAC US Style Plug, 220VAC EU Style Plug