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Bar Code Verifier: Repair, Calibration, and Recertification Services

General Service Information

AIS_tech_mdService is considered the most crucial part of our company. We have developed a sophisticated process to allow us to offer the best service in the industry at the lowest cost.

With ALL services you will receive:

  • Your unit adjusted and re-certified to meet conformance of ISO15426-1/-2 (Bar code verifier conformance standard)
  • Returned with NIST traceable calibration plaque (when applicable)
  • Three page detailed Certificate of Calibration written to comply with ISO9000, QS900, and GMP quality systems

See how Auto ID Solutions compares to manufacturer service:

Services Auto ID Solutions
Turn-around 1 day
Cleaning Optics/Exterior/Interior
ISO 15426-1/-2 Testing Yes
Certificate of Conformance Yes
NIST traceable calibration plaque Yes (if applicable)
Loaner Units Yes
Pricing $375

All the verifier manufacturers recommend annual calibration and re-certification.

Over the year we have become concerned by the large number of units arriving out of tolerance. We have found the environment that a verifier is used in greatly affects how often a verifier needs service. For a clean, temperature stable environment the interval might be two years while a dirty, harsh environment might require service every six months. 

Service Process Outline Following Arrival at Our Facility:

  • Unit tested against ISO15426-1/-2 Primary verifier conformance test card and test results are recorded
  • Unit is repaired (if necessary)
  • Extensive cleaning (includes verifier case, optics, and cables)
  • Unit is adjusted for reflectance and dimensional accuracy
  • Calibration plaque is replaced and/or re-certified (NIST traceable)
  • Verifier is calibrated and unit is retested against ISO15426-1/-2 Primary verifier conformance test card
  • Detailed three page Certificate of Calibration is written showing “As Found” and “As Left” test results
  • Re-certification/Calibration date labels applied to unit

Our staffs involvement in writing the ISO standards for bar code verification ensures that the repair and calibration process will be conducted with strict adherence to standards.

Our pricing offers a flat rate service price that includes all parts except the wand or pen, since these are often damaged beyond repair.


We service and repair all bar code verifiers from RJS, Axicon, Webscan/Cognex, Omron/Microscan, and Printronix.

Learn more about the standards that we test to and conform with (ISO, ANSI, IEC).

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Sample Certificate of Calibration