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(discontinued)Depot Bar Code Bar Code Verifier Accuracy Testing

Save yourself from a customer complaint by having your unit tested to ensure accurate results

AIS_accuracy_test_mdIn response to an alarming rate of out-of-tolerance bar code verifiers arriving for annual calibration service, Auto ID Solutions implemented a policy aimed helping companies determine the correct interval for re-certification and calibration of their bar code verifiers.

During 2005, 76% of the bar code verifiers sent in for annual service were out of tolerance, most were reporting lower grades than they should but 8% reported better grades. Neither is good. If a bar code verifier is overly critical this means that printers are producing extra scrap at a time when raw materials are more expensive than ever. Conversely, if the verifier gives passing grades when it shouldn’t, companies are exposed to receiving huge fines or penalties.

All units are compared against calibrated NIST traceable testing standards following the ANSI X3.182 and ISO15416-1 methodologies. Each unit is returned with an ISO15426-1 Accuracy Report, showing which ISO/ANSI parameters were out-of-tolerance and by how much.

Verifiers Brands Tested:

  • RJS
  • Handheld Products/PSC
  • Axicon
  • Stratix
  • Webscan/Cognex
  • Printronix AutoID
  • Microscan LVS/Omron

Prefer to test them yourself?

We loan Primary conformance test cards for companies who have multiple units or must keep their verifier on-site.


  Sample Verifier Accuracy Test Report

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