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Auto ID Solutions Service Standards

Standards and Certifications

General Information:

  • Proves that the instrument was calibrated to a NIST standard and is supplied for all instruments repaired and calibrated by Auto ID Solutions.
  • All documentation was written to comply with ISO, QS9000, and GMP quality systems.
  • Includes the test results to confirm conformance with ISO15426-1/-2 (Bar code Verifier Conformance Standard).
  • Defines and explains repairs made to the verifier.

Sections of Bar code Evaluation:

  • Customer Information
  • Instrument Descriptions
  • Calibration Information
  • Results of Physical Examination
  • Results of Operational Examination
  • Instrument Accuracy
  • Calibration Standards

Explanation of standards that Auto ID Solutions follows and conforms to:

ISO/IEC 15426-1 and ISO/IEC 15426-2 which are the international standard that defines the conformance criteria for bar code verifier instruments. Our staff was on the task group that wrote this standard. Each verifier sold, repaired, or calibrated is tested to confirm compliance with ISO15426-1/-2. The Certificate of Calibration shipped with each unit provides the required accuracy and the results from the verifier.

ISO/IEC 15416 is the international standard that defines the bar code quality tests for linear bar code verifiers. It also defines the method for calculating the overall bar code symbol grade. For ISO the overall grade ranges from 0.0 (poor) to 4.0 (perfect).

ISO/IEC 15415 is the international standard that defines the bar code symbol print quality test specification for 2D bar code verifiers. It also defines the method for calculating the overall bar code symbol grade. For ISO the overall grade ranges from 0.0 (poor) to 4.0 (perfect).

ISO/IEC 18004 is the international standard that defines the bar code quality tests for QR Code 2D bar code verifiers. It defines the methods that are specific to QR code bar codes.

ISO/IEC 16022 is the international standard that defines the bar code quality tests for Datamatrix 2D bar code verifiers. It defines the methods that are specific to Datamatrix code bar codes.

ANSI X3.182 is the United States standard that defines the bar code quality tests for linear bar code verifiers. The ANSI version came before ISO15416-1 and has been superseded. It also defines the method for calculating the overall bar code symbol grade. For ANSI the overall grade ranges from F (poor) to A (perfect).

ISO/IEC 29158 (AIM DPM) is the International Standard that defines 2D bar code print quality for Direct Part Marking (DPM) of QR code and Datamatrix symbols.

ISO/IEC/ANSI 17025 is the international standard that defines requirements for testing and calibration laboratories. For a company to meet ISO17025 they must demonstrate that they operate a quality system, are technically competent, and are able to generate technically valid results. The Quality Assurance Manual (QAM) of Auto ID Solutions Calibration Services complies with this standard.

The Auto ID Solutions QAM contains the following documentation:

Section 1 – Scope and Parameters
Section 2 – References and Definitions
Section 3 – Quality Policy
Section 4 – Organization and Management
Section 5 – Quality System, Audit and Review
Section 6 – Personnel
Section 7 – Laboratory Facilities and Environment
Section 8 – Standards, Equipment, and Associated Apparatus
Section 9 – Measurement Traceability and Calibration
Section 10 – Calibration Test Methods and Procedures
Section 11 – Handling and Storage of Calibration and Test Items
Section 12 – Records
Section 13 – Calibration Certificates and Test Reports
Section 14 – Subcontracting
Section 15 – Outside Support Services and Supplies
Section 16 – Complaints and Corrective Action
Section 17 – Site Security
Section 18 – Safety
Section 19 – Sampling

ANSI/NCSL Z540.3-2006 (R2013) is the standard for calibration laboratories of measurement and test equipment. The ANSI version came before ISO17025 and has been superseded. However, the processes in place at Auto ID Solutions complies with both standards.

ISO 9001:2015 is the quality management standard for businesses that design and manufacture products. ISO 9001 stipulates which instruments must be calibrated and how the instrument calibration is preformed, and what interval the instrument must be calibrated. All procedures and documentation at Auto ID Solutions were written to fit within our customers ISO9001 process.

ISO 9002:1994 is the quality management standard for businesses that sell, install and service products. The standard has been superseded by ISO 9002. All procedures and documentation at Auto ID Solutions were written to fit within our customers ISO9002 process.

QS9000 / ISO/TS 16949:2009 is the quality system standard used by the automotive industry to remove variation and defects from manufacturing. ISO/TS 16949, stipulates which instruments must be calibrated and how the instrument calibration is preformed, and what interval the instrument must be calibrated. All procedures and documentation at Auto ID Solutions were written to fit within our customers ISO/TS 16949 process.

GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) are a set of regulations that ensure products are consistently produced and controlled to meet quality standards. GMPs are used in a variety of industries, including pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and food.